Friday, June 29, 2012


"Put your first priority on what you really want then need! Yes, WANT! Because, most of the time, what you really need will bore you as hell. So, you better make yourself happy first, then you can think clear and do good things you need to do."

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I want to be able to say ‘whatever’ to every annoying things said by everyone, without having to feel not good about what they’ll feet about it.

Like, can you ‘whatever’ your parents?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The past doesn't make me scared.
What makes me scared most is realizing that time goes by so fast.
And I am here, looking at the two to five years old pictures that seem like just happened yesterday.
Most of the people in it are now far away, and they have changed too.
I miss them so much.