Tuesday, August 7, 2012

THE 18 LIST: JULY 2012

so far so so... I kinda lost memories of what happened on July. Good things I wrote some of them earlier. *cheat* hehe :D

1. Second batch experiment
Uhh.. it didn't work out the way I want it to be.. but hey! I learned from experiences, so I can revise my recipes. But Ramadhan came, so I had to postpone this 'experimenting' things. Let's do this next month!

2. Cotton Ink shawl
I bought a new Cotton Ink shawl! I really love their products since it came out. But they're getting more and more expensive now :( . When they first release, I bought two shawls, the classic one and the krey one. Then my sister gave me one burgundy legging :D. This time, I bought the fringe shawl in acid wash! Don't you just love what it made to the color?

3. I hate going to bank
I only have one time to go to the bank everyday, and it is my lunch break! So, I hate going there. You know, skip my lunch, stand in line, sitting, waiting, pretending to like what the customer service says while trying to hide my 'my-lunch-break-is-over!' face (because, even I say no no no to them, they keep talking!).

4. Conversations
what is this??

5. Living Things - Linkin Park
Yes! their latest album.. and I still don't have it. ._.

6. Lies Greed Misery
Have you listen to this one? I reaaally love it.

7. Hit the road
It's not really the first time, but why people are so nervous?? I am the one who should get nervous, right? I drove with my dad beside me and mom and sis in the back seat, and they said they were shaking. gw bilang, 'tenang ajaaaa.. santai santaiiii.. ga bisa liat orang seneng apa' *sambil nyengir-nyengir ga jelas* because I enjoyed it.... :P

8. How to face your father
The most important thing is that you have to make him happy always. So, do not mind every things that make you mad. Arguing will never solve the problem (this one is very hard). Calm down, woosah, all izz well.

9. The One with the Flashback
So.. I was on season 3, and there's this episode about them 3 years earlier. It's so funny :)).
Janice Litman: Janice has a question: Who of the six of you has slept with who of the six of you?   
Phoebe: Its like a dirty math problem.  
Dr. Ross Geller: The answer would be none of us.  
Janice Litman: None of you have gotten drunk and stupid over the years?  
Joey Tribbiani: Well, that's a different question.  
Janice Litman: I find it hard to believe a group of people who spend as much time together as you do has never bumped uglies. I've got another question: Who of the six of you has almost? 
Rachel Green: [they all quickly get up] Can I get anyone more coffee?  
Joey Tribbiani: Hey, there's a dog out there! 

and all of them had almost: Ross with Phoebe, Rachel with Chandler, and Joey with Monica. :D

10. Detektif conan!

11. +62 898 8853189
to whoever you are, gw ga peduli siapapun elo. tapi gw bener-bener terganggu sama sms-sms lo. kalo gw bisa block nomor lo, gw block sekalian gw report spam deh! tapi masalahnya ga bisa. so, stop texting me!

12. Bama - Bami morning fight.
Dearest Bama & Bami.. please stop fighting, you two are brothers. Seriously! :(

13. Garment store
Feeling a bit too excited just because I spent my weekend wandering around garment stores. Looking for favorite color and pattern. So, is it what the real girls do? *giggle*

14. I can't swim
I'm not afraid of heights. I'm afraid of getting drown.

15. Imperial Mammoth - Requiem on Water

16. Batman TDKR

  • ngeliat Batman pertama kali muncul, 'why is he looks like a grandpa?'
  • ngeliat Anne Hathaway, 'she is so sexy, pretty, and lucky!' remember One Day, Love and Other Drugs, and now Batman??! *iri*
  • ngeliat Bane, 'gila ini si Bane badannya gede banget. he is huuuge.'
  • ngeliat Batman udah ga kaya kakek2, 'oh, Christian Bale... kenapa bisa ganteng banget ini orang..' *terpana*
  • ngeliat motornya Batman, 'motornya kereeen bangeeeet. rodanya bisa muter-muter gitu.' kalo semua motor bisa kaya gitu, gw ga akan takut ngebut pas lagi belokan. :D
  • ngeliat si Bane matah2in leher orang, 'uuhhh, ngilu setiap ngeliat adegan matahin leher, dan kayanya itu jurus kesenengannya lagi.'
  • ngeliat Alfred mau pergi, 'oh no Alfred, please don't make me cry.' *teary eyes*
  • pas tau si Mrs. Tate berkhianat, 'Mrs. Tate, I really hate you. you made out with Batman and then you betrayed him? you one-evil-lucky-woman.'
  • 'Robin?'
  • ngeliat si ganteng pas film mau abis, 'is it really him? still alive?' of course lah ya! katanya kan autopilot udah dibenerin dari 6 bulan yang lalu. jadi sebenernya dia pake autopilot waktu itu?

17. Shuichi Akai
ya ya ya.. gw emang ga sabaran & bandel liat-liat internet nyari jawaban tentang si Akai ini. Gw yakin banget dia belom mati! dan ternyataaaaa.... jeng jeng jeng! jawabannya bener2 bikin ga percaya dan gw janji bakal nungguin komik nya keluar aja. jadi.. dia emang belom mati (tuh apa kata gw!) dan ternyata selama ini dia...

18. Jakcloth
Hadeeeh.. emang yah.. pergi sama cewe-cewe ke tempat beginian, sok-sok an pada bilang mau liat-liat dulu.. taunyaaaaa 'Shut up and take my money!' hahahahah

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