Thursday, August 30, 2012


It is.. somehow sooo romantic how two people can have a real deep quick feeling for each other. You don't expect it, you don't plan it (duh!), you don't even think about it, but it's possible! Is that what it's called as a fling?
It happened in a reunion. Ya ya ya, she used to like him. Quite a lot, actually. But then she knew he only saw her as a real nice friend. They were pretty close to each other. And the fact that they shared a same birthday, make them closer. But, that was the end.

On that day, she didn't know whether he will come or not to the reunion. She actually didn't really want to go, because it turned out her close friends couldn't came. But her 'quite close friend' beg her to go, so she went.

Same as the last year's reunion, he came late. There was no seat left around her. They smiled at each other.
'oh, how long since we've met', said them to themselves.
Once again, it turned out that they are the only two who were in a same class among others reunion attendees. Saw that, he came at her then sit beside her (after hushed friend beside her).

"how are you?" *smiled*
"good. how are you?" *smiled*

Do you know that time when silent can meant more than words? Can you understand it? Yeah? That was what happened between them.

How they walked together to the parking lot. How he lead her crossing the street. How he opened a door for her. How he said to her to give her a ride back home. That were nice.

They chat, laughed, smiled together at the reunion. Remembering their childhood, while having ice cream.

Then it was time to go home. She stood there saying byes to her friends, shaking hands, kissing cheeks to the girls. Then it's him.

"so.. here we are.."
"yeah.. here we are.."

She offered her hand first, shaking it, and.. he hold it. He hold her hand just like that for several seconds. The world seemed stop its turn. They stared at each other, felt the electric sent from each of their hand to their bodies.
Then they let go, slowly. She stills remember how he held her fingertips at the end, as if didn't want to let go.

"bye.." *smiled*

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