Wednesday, July 11, 2012


In the past several months, I've stumbled upon couple of posts about introvert. And yes, they are really interesting to read that I found myself browsing through the net for some more about it. Meanwhile, I also questioning who creates the word itself? I mean, why do people label others? why do they label themselves?
Extrovert or Introvert? There is even a quiz for finding out "Are you an extrovert or an introvert?" and everyone who plays it praying inside not to be an introvert.

Let's just leave extrovert behind.

Now, define introvert.
Introvert is a
  1. a shy person
then, it defines shy as easily frightened away.

Back to what introvert is about, introverts are not person that afraid of something. Like, in this matter of social interaction, people. No. Introverts need some reasons to talk. Why people think they afraid to interact with people? They don't like small talks (which has no reason), because it is just wasting time and it feels like putting a nice smile mask on your face. Introverts like being honest.

In the case of them hating small talks, they often being called as weird, not really nice, and a bit rude. :D

It was that time when I moved to a new school (I went to 2 junior high schools back then), it was a really hard time for me. I didn't expect that. Bullies. Some of the girls hated me so much. It was like a gang, maybe? The meanest one, is a big fat girl (yes, I still remember you and your name, you bullies) and her followers said that I was nyolot. See, this is really difficult, settingan muka gw ini bikin mereka sebel banget sama gw. They even ask seniors to come to me. I heard something like this,
"tuh kak, anak baru nyolot abis, labrak aja udah labrak!"
But, the labrak-labrakan scenes were never happen. Maybe my seniors back then were smart enough not to mine what those childish bullies said. But, bullies keep bullying.
One day, the big one, came to class with red face (looks like she just cried). Then she apologized to me (in tears), and my other friends too. No one knew what happened, but seems like she just got hidayah or musibah that made her think about her faults. Tobat kali dia. -__-

I hate small talks. Gw benci basa basi. Gw benci orang yang kebanyakan basa basi. I know some people who don't like to say hi to others every time they meet anywhere, if they don't have any purpose to that person. Unfortunately, our people here in Indonesia, take that as a really rude behavior. That's why. People like giving labels. Indonesians maybe feel proud of their 'hospitable' label, and think people who don't do it like them are simply rude.

My driving course instructor (who happens to be really love small talks), ones easily said to me
me: "maaf ya mas kemaren ngga jadi, soalnya ada perlu sama temen"
x: "iya gapapa, punya temen juga ya ternyata, kirain ngga punya"
me: 'putting a *I will crash this car right now, so you die and have no friends* face'

People say introverts want to be alone.
Don't you just hate it when you go somewhere and do something alone, people will think you are so lonely? And they give this puk-puk thing as giving us support to keep strong and happy? For example,
me: "yeah, I watched that movie yesterday, it was goooood."
x: "I know right? Oh, with whom did you see the movie?"
me: "just me."
x: "awww... puk-puk.."

Yes, I admit that I go somewhere alone, sometimes. And what is wrong with that? If people think that is poor of me, well, I think.. shame on you people because you are not comfortable hanging on with your own self.

Okay.. from all the babbling I wrote, you still want to label which side I am? or yourself or anyone?
Well then GFY.

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